
The 24″ iMac M1 2021 is pink not red

The 24″ iMac M1 2021 models contain a pink colour option and not red as I was previously ranting about. I must admit I was more in love with it when I was still under the impression that it was red.

How I realised this was when I was looking over the iStore website where they have opened up the pre-order pages for the new iMac M1 range and I could not find the red colour option that exited me so much. For reasons I cannot explain I opened up the pink option and low and behold, it was the red one I was talking about. I am however not sure if Apple themselves really know what to call it since they are saving the image with a file name that contains the word red.


This doesn’t really make sense to me at all. Yes, when viewing it from the front it does look like pink iMac, but based on the promotional images they released the back looks red. Having it promoted a a red colour would also make sense to me as they already have the iPhones in this colour. They label these as PRODUCT (RED).

What is PRODUCT (RED)?

Apple PRODUCT (RED) is basically all the devices which are red and a portion of the sales of these product are being channeled towards red.org, an organisation that fights HIV and now more recently the fight against Covid-19.

There are a few big name brands associated with the cause of which Apple, Amazon and Beats are the most notable. I will be honest and admit that I have never really done my homework to find out what PRODUCT (RED) stands for or what the cause is all about. My bad, but as of late my son has started to talk to me a lot about products we use that are tied to some questionable social injustices.

My question now is whether Apple has decided against calling the pink model a red colour in order to avoid having it attached to this campaign? I do not have any proof to support that question, but this difference in colour does beg the question to be asked.

iMac M1 Red

Will I buy the iMac M1 in pink?

To be honest I always wanted the red models because they looked cool for me personally. Now that it has the added tag of the cause of PRODUCT (RED) I actually feel more inclined to get a red model as it means that in a very small way I am contributing to a worthy cause, or causes in this case.

Now I am not sure how I feel about getting the iMac M1 pink model. It feels like stealing money from a cause that needs the funds. I would rather wait until it gets labeled and I have that extra benefit of knowing funds are going towards that.

Yes, probably stupid but we need to think about these things if we are building towards a more aware society when it comes to the tech we support and where we spend our money. Will it make a me a better human being? No, probably not. I also do not see myself sleeping any easier as there are bigger things in the world to worry about than the colour preference of my tech.

The good news is that I am due for an upgrade for my iPhone. The red model I wanted is very hard to get in Pretoria and I started to consider getting a blue iPhone 12 Mini. Now that I know what the red means and the cause attached to it I have decided that I am willing to wait until it becomes available.

That wait could mean the difference between finding cures for something like HIV, Covid-19, or the next super bug.

Joe Diedericks

My name is Joe Diedericks and I write about tech and new gadgets. Apple fanatic since BlackBerry went belly up and adopted Android as their OS. I still sometimes dream about BBM.

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